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Douglas Montanha Giordano

Software engineer and Web App Developer

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About Me

I am graduated in software engineering at UNIPAMPA (Federal University of Pampa), a master's in computer science at UFSM (Federal University of Santa Maria) and I am in a master's program in Software Engineering at UNIPAMPA. I participated in projects guided by agile (SCRUM) and traditional (Cascade) processes, focusing mainly on building WEB applications (Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JSF, React Js among others). I am currently working on a project with frontend in React Js and backend in Spring Boot. I am also working on a second project with JSF and Spring Boot. Additionally, related to my academic experience of the master's degree, I have experience in the use of artificial intelligence (SVM, Adaboost, Decision Tree, etc.) in the area of ​​Social Network Analysis and also in image processing. Other experiences: DevOps (Docker, CircleCI, Jenkins), Nifi, Kafka, InfluxDB, Gerrit, Amazon Servers, Google Servers, Tests (mutation test, performance test, integration test, and security test).

Latest Projects

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CoderPro - Bootstrap 4 Startup Template For Software Projects

You can put one of your secondary projects here. Suspendisse in tellus dolor. Vivamus a tortor eu turpis pharetra consequat quis non metus. Aliquam aliquam, orci eu suscipit pellentesque, mauris dui tincidunt enim, eget iaculis ante dolor non turpis.

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Other Projects

Pillar - Free Bootstrap 4 Resume/CV Template for Developers Free

Provide a brief description of your project. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatu.

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DevBlog - Free Bootstrap 4 Blog Template for Developers Free

Provide a brief description of your project. Maecenas ornare ultricies risus, in fermentum augue consectetur in. Vestibulum vitae mauris iaculis, sollicitudin velit in, molestie nulla.

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Nova - Free App Landing Page Template for App Developers Free

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Work Experience

Software Engineer - Swiss Big-Data Solutions GmbH (SBDS) (2019 - Present)

Full Stack Developer.

Software Engineer - Porthal Sistemas (2014 - Present)

Full Stack Developer.

Substitute teacher - Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) (2016 - 2017)

Undergraduate classes in software engineering and computer science

My GitHub